Let’s Call Music Theory Something Else

Music Theory? Hmmm. We know what you’re thinking. Just by seeing the words “Music Theory” you’re ready to close this book and never open it again. Those two words are dreaded by anyone learning to play an instrument.

In fact, most people think that music theory is only for smarty pants music majors. But let’s eliminate “Music Theory” from our minds. Let’s call it something else that’s less intimidating. Let’s simply call it “How Music Works.” There. That’s not so bad. Anyone can learn how music works—it’s not that hard.

How Music Works?

This is what PlaySmartGuitar is all about—learning how to play guitar while learning how music works. What the pros know is how music works and how to apply that to their instrument. PlaySmartGuitar will explain it in a way that is easy to understand and follow. It will make you a better guitar player, member of a band, and, if you’re so inclined, a better songwriter.

The PlaySmartGuitar WorkBook is better than any other guitar book because you will not only be able to play the guitar better, but you’ll know how music works. To know what the pros know, you have to understand how music works. And PlaySmartGuitar is the best way to get there.

How To Get The Most Out Of The WorkBook

If you don’t understand what notes are on the fretboard, start with Lesson 1. The ideas and exercises are elementary, but will build your understanding of how music works on the guitar fretboard. The exercises should be fun and help you learn just how the notes on the fretboard work.

If you don’t understand major scales and key signatures, Lesson 2 is a must! Without an understanding of the Major Scales, the rest of the WorkBook won’t make much sense. If you were to try to read a book without knowing the alphabet, you wouldn’t get very far. Working through The PlaySmartGuitar WorkBook without understanding Lesson 2 would be the same.

If you’ll be diligent and do all the exercises in each lesson and look for opportunities to use the ideas while playing the guitar, your understanding of how music works will increase exponentially.

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